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Welcome to Cadena Communications, a dynamic Marketing & PR Boutique Agency where we bring a personal touch to every campaign. As a boutique agency, we pride ourselves on providing specialized and high-quality services tailored to your unique needs. Our team is dedicated to delivering a distinct and intimate experience, ensuring that your brand receives the attention it deserves. Discover the power of personalized marketing and PR solutions with Cadena Communications, where every detail matters in crafting your success story.

HI! From Ashley GraNBY!


I am a professional writer and PR specialist with over a decade of experience in engaging audiences with my words. My writing has been featured on various platforms, including websites, newspapers, and social media, captivating readers with its conciseness and elegance.

Our Services

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Brand Development

  • Logo and visual identity design
  • Brand messaging and positioning

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Public Relations

  • Media relations and outreach
  • Press release creation and distribution
  • Crisis management

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Content Creation

  • Copywriting/Copyediting
  • Blog writing
  • Social media content creation
  • Graphic Design

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  • Social media management
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

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Website Design and Development

  • Creating or redesigning websites
  • Management of website

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Market Research

  • Consumer and industry research
  • Competitor analysis

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From penning your thoughts to crafting masterpieces, we've got you covered!

Our Expertise

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& Editing

Refine Your Message, Elevate Your Impact. Expert Copywriting and Editing Services Tailored for You.

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Website Content

We’ll craft compelling website content that captivates your audience and drives results.

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Lifestyle Articles

Lifestyle stories that inspire, health tips that empower. We’ll craft engaging articles that make well-being a page-turner.

Excerpt from A Novel, Unpublished

(sample only)

I am forever grateful to you for forcing me to confront my own truth, untangle my emotions, and quelling the storm in my heart giving me the courage to navigate this arduous journey ahead of me.

Though the wind is guiding me to unknown shores, I am anchored by two unequivocal truths: I will never again abandon my own flame, and your heart’s tapestry will forever be woven into every fiber of my being, even if you only hang within the private shadows of my heart.

Since the day our love shattered, the forced, jagged chasm between us is ever-widening and carved with unspoken words and bitter tears. I have stared at many pearled crescents letting the wind carry my aching heart’s desire across the railroad tracks and weaving them into your dreams: our hearts to share one more fleeting waltz under the moonlit sky.

With each sunrise, a fresh wave of fury crashed against the cliffs of my heart, etching lines of bitterness and resentment. And yet, the moon that brought me to you, a silent witness, whispered a calmness over me. Slowly, the tide turned, gently washing away the debris of anger, fear and pride, leaving behind the most beautiful horizon of acceptance.

It was your unyielding strength and steady hand that guided us away from the catastrophic wreckage we both knew was inevitable the moment our hearts collided in a whirlwind of intensity. Though I saw the storms ahead, fear crippled my rudder, leaving you to steer us through the treacherous waters into a safe harbor.

New Year’s Op-Ed, Jimplecute

(sample only)

Letting Go for a Quieter New Year: Can We Learn from Our Pets?

Seven years ago, when I adopted Jack, my sweet, quirky and wildly energetic dog, I was

unprepared for the lifelong impact he would have on my heart.

Jack has a quirk that will drive even the most saintly human mad: his utter and complete terror of the vacuum cleaner. The mere sight of one sends him into a tailspin of frenzied barking, high-pitched howling, lunging, and foaming at the mouth. In his mind, the vacuum is a monstrous beast intent on devouring his humans and despite years of failed attempts he will do anything to

stop it.

As I hurriedly vacuumed the floors in preparation for this year’s holiday festivities, holding Jack on a leash in one hand and nimbly pushing the vacuum in the other, Jack’s frantic waltz of fear became a poignant reflection: I, too, have spent years

choreographing a life of control, a dance that always leaves me breathless and lost in an echo chamber of fear.

I have lived with a white-knuckled grip on control, desperately holding onto loved ones, my health, achievements, and expectations in a futile attempt to quell the fears of “what ifs” and “should haves” that haunt the halls of my heart.

I’ve realized that within my own clenched fist, I suffocate the very joy and freedom I seek. Imprisoned by my fears, I have kept myself from truly living and authentically showing up for

myself and those I love.

Article for Mental Health Website, Mindcology

Article Archived (sample only)

Children who experience abandonment, especially from those that are never supposed to leave, have trouble making and keeping relationships. They are also at risk for physical and psychological illnesses, are predisposed to substance abuse, promiscuity, and criminality (NCBI).

Unhealthy parent-child attachments not only affect the child, but it can roll the negative experiences into the next generation continuing the cycle of unhealthy connections in relationship.

Stopping this unhealthy cycle starts with you and me. Today, is the time to take action and move towards a healthier future. Despite our past circumstances we can rise above and create a healthier tomorrow.

Hello. My name is Ashley and I have Daddy Issues.

I survived. So can you.

Abandonment can happen in many forms. For me, my father left when I was less than a year old. For some, death steals. For others, their parent(s) may be physically present, but emotionally absent.

Regardless, when a parent isn’t present, a child often internalizes their absence as I am not good enough, I am not lovable, I am not wanted. An intense fear of rejection is often developed.

A child’s view of self and the world are shaped through their experiences and early attachments. The parent-child relationship is the most important and essential relationship to a healthy development of self. It affects children's physical, psychological, behavioral, and developmental wellbeing.

Article for Event Website For Marketing Purposes (sample only)

It was during the battle of Eltham's Landing in the spring of 1862 when Lt. Col. Harvey H. Black died in combat.

“We are pained to learn that Lt. Col. H. H. Black, of Jefferson, and Capt. Harry Decatur, of this place, belonging to the First Texas Regiment, were killed in the heavy skirmish that occurred at West Point on the 17th ult (sic). They were brave and true men. A grateful country mourns their loss. A patriotic people will remember their sacrifices, and embalm their heroic deeds upon the imperishable pages of history.” (Marshall Texas Republican, June 14, 1862)

We honor Lt. Col. Harvey H. Black, his Marion Rifles, and all of the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment by never forgetting their sacrifice.

The below is an excerpt from a Jeffersonian article on Lt. Col Harvey H. Black written by Dr. John G. Goddard and Weldon W. Nash, Jr. Click to read more.

This Year We Honor the 161st Anniversary of the Death of Jeffersonian, Lt. Col. Harvey H. Black, CSA

Black and the Ragged Old First fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia assembled at Seven Pines, Richmond, Virginia. The Ragged Old First originally consisted of 10 companies from Marion, Cass, Polk, Houston, Harrison, Tyler, Anderson, Cherokee, Sabine, San Augustine, Newton, and Nacogdoches counties.

Sadly, the Ragged Old First, had the highest casualty rate, 82.3%, suffered by any regiment, North or South, on a single day, during the entire war.

Due to Black's leadership abilities and determination he was quickly promoted to Major, and then Lt. Colonel. He was known for leading his men into action.

Press Release for Law Library of Congress

(Sample Only)

Andrew Carnegie’s Vision of World Peace Continues 105 Years Later at the Library of Congress

On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, the Law Library of Congress and the Peace Palace Library in the Netherlands marked a historical moment in their nations’ long-standing diplomatic relationship.

Law Librarian of Congress, Jane Sánchez, and Librarian of the Peace Palace Library, Jeroen Vervliet, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to commence an information-sharing relationship between the two institutions. This relationship allows each library to gain insights on collections, cataloging, and services at the partner institution to better serve their respective users. Such insight could ultimately contribute to and promote good lawmaking and peaceful conflict resolution through law.

“The signing of this document formally establishes a new strategic collaboration between our two libraries. This is an opportune time to exchange information about the systems and services in place at each library. Such information will help each library better serve its users,” said Sánchez.

Press Release Picked Up National Attention

(April 2019)

Client Testimonials

Trevor, Mindcology

Ashley wrote informative, engaging and heart-felt articles for our Mental Health website when we were a start-up!

Donna, Library of Congress

Ashley is a sharper than average PR professional who brings organization, project management, and great communication to any team.

Scyller, US Senate Candidate

Whether it is a press release or a press conference, Ashley knows how to put together a professional piece. She knows exactly what to say and when to say it.

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